The Meeting of Minds

Slowly, the words came out.
‘It was the Nachrichtendienst and Abwehr who directed that you were to be eliminated for gross disobedience in failing to report!’
Henry thought back to the night of the Zeppelin and the radio, hanging on it`s cord in its wooden box, biting into the turf. ‘It must have been irking Gustav Steinhauer,’ Henry replied, ‘He sent a Zep to waken me up!’
And, ‘Yes!’ Anna, gave a gasp; ‘It was shot down over North London on its return.’
Henry paled. ‘That was enough to send you. Come along, we both need a cupĀ of tea and a long chat.
A very English summons.’
Amongst the small crowd of workmen swirled the black tails of a man who hurried after the cyclists.